Dakota Jackalope Gallery

$10,000 reward for capturing a Dakota jackalope, which isn't bad.

I guess it doesn't matter if they're from North or South Dakota to these postcards.

The card says this is from Nebraska, but he's clearly the Dakota jackalope.

This is from a special line of postcards called South Dakota Gold which all have the same gold border.

That's a unique jackalope featured with our presidents.

This time in an even more privileged position.

And a jackalope statue at the world famous Wall Drug.

The famous Deerhare of South Dakota.

The Thing from the Black Hills.

The Flying Jackalope seems to come exclusively from Wall, South Dakota.

Here he is again. Too bad there's no pictures of him actually flying.

Sometimes these are called Jack-a-pheasants.

And again with different clouds.

And again scalloped.

And again with no clouds.

This guy again but with a white border.

Again with a white border.

A retro design that took me a LONG time to collect.

No scalloping, different font.

Visiting Mt Rushmore and the Badlands.

Here's our buddy again with a cool blue border.

Surely one of the most bizarre jackalope postcards to exist. Why doesn't he have front legs or a tail? Because this is a photo-chop job. This is really a flying jackalope that they cut the pheasant parts from to turn it back into a regular jackalope, but it doesn't work. Really weird decision.
