Flying Jackalope Gallery

This is the claw-footed jackalope, which is the only predatory flying jackalope. Some people also call this a wolpertinger (the jackalope's German cousin), but most wolpertingers I've seen don't look anything like this.

This postcard calls this animal "The Thing," but as a rabbit with antlers it is still a jackalope. This is unique for a flying jackalope as it has the body of a hawk.

This is the most common flying jackalope, also known as a jackapheasant for obvious reasons. Here we see definitive proof that it reproduces by laying eggs.

A flying jackalope in it's natural habitat. Unfortunately, no pictures of one in flight exist, and I'm sure they're a hazard for hot air balloons and blimps.

Flying jackalopes seem to have originated from the area of Wall, South Dakota.

No Wall Drug sign, different clouds.

Older style with scalloped edges.

No clouds.

Clouds no border.

This is an expanded image and larger card from the above claw-footed jackalope. Also, this card is from Germany and confirms this as a wolpertinger.

Similar to above cards, but with a white border.

No scalloping, different font.

Similar to an above design, but no border or text.
