Petley Jackalope Gallery

Classic pose from the postcard king of Arizona, Bob Petley.

Wild with a brown border.

Another different border.


White border.

The only vertical one of these I've seen.

Different font.

One of the first in my collection.

Scalloped and different font.

No writing on front.

A different angle.

Different angle and scalloped.

Different font.

Another angle.

This is actually a lenticular 3D postcard, pretty excited to find this one!

My first copper postcard.

Copper with sunrays.

Here he is at night.

And on a darker night.

And on a fancier night.

Here sharing the stage with the Classic Standing jackalope.

Now while this guy isn't THE Petley jackalope, a look at the back of the card confirms this photo was taken by the postcard king himself.

And here's one stamped for Texas.

Differences between this one and the one like it above is that this is a few mm taller, slightly different coloring, and view is slightly shifted to the right.

Similar to one above, but with a different cursive font.

Another moonlight guy.

Similar to above ones, but with different framing (a lot more of the cactus is visible).

I know the Petleys can start to run together, but the other no-border no-test one above has a different background.

And one from Bullhead, Arizona.

Not only is this one's font in a slightly different position, but the scalloping pattern is unique as well.

No text no border, scalloped.

Only the second to say "wild" on the front.

Now from Deming, New Mexico.

One from Why, Arizona.
