Sentinel Jackalope Gallery

This guy looks like he's guarding his territory, so he's the Sentinel Jackalope. Very similar to the Petley jackalope, but not quite the same.

One of the early ones in my collection.

Different font.

In the upper left corner.

Here he is in a reverse image.

And again at a different angle.

This time white border and no text.

Now scalloped and no text. Might be hard to see on scan, but this card is very glossy with a crisper-than-normal quality image.

Another no text and scalloped, but of a different printing quality.

A slightly right-shifted view with a different print and orange highlights around the feet.

Smaller sized card that is scalloped.

No scalloping or border.

Another with orange feet, but different framing and scalloped.
